Loss by Suicide and Suicide Ideation Pathway
Losing a loved one can be devastatingly painful, but when that loss is by suicide, there can be an added layer of complicated emotions that follow. From anger to guilt and shame, enduring this kind of loss can leave you reeling with questions and constantly wondering if this pain could have been prevented. It is easy to lose sight of the fact that the battles that led someone to end their own life are often silent or unknown to many who loved them and even when they were known, it can be difficult to discern how to prevent such a tragedy from happening. While the pain from a loss by suicide can be intense and complex, there can also be hope in the heartache. In this Loss by Suicide/Suicide Ideation Pathway, you will hear stories from those who have experienced this agonizing kind of loss as well as those who have experienced thoughts of suicide and have found hope and healing. If you’ve lost a loved one to suicide, don’t let the darkness convince you that only pain will be the end of your story. There is the light of hope in the dark.
If you are struggling with suicidal ideations or are in a mental health crisis, please call 9-8-8 (US Residents) to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or go to: https://988lifeline.org Your life matters and we need you here. Please reach out and get the help you need.
Have you found this Loss by Suicide Pathway helpful? Be sure to check out our other Pathways for more inspiring stories of hope in the face of tragedy, trauma and pain. Let these Pathways be a roadmap for you on your healing journey.
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